We had an earthquake this morning at 10:22am. Its epicenter was located offshore of York, Maine. Because it was a shallow quake, its epicenter being only 8.2 miles beneath Earth's surface, there was a lot of shaking going 'round from Maine to Massachusetts, and further down into New England.
Here is a description from the USGS's Earthquake Hazards Program website. If you want to participate in citizen's science, fill out the "Felt Report - Tell Us!" that you see on the right side of the page in this link.
The experience was varied depending on where you live. It even varied whether you were in the basement of your home or on an upper level. At our house, for instance, I felt the quake as the upstairs shook gently. At first, I thought that the nearby gravel pit had done some blasting, but that is usually accompanied by a loud noise and a quick shake. This shaking was too prolonged, so I figured it was a mile earthquake. I did not hear any noise associated with the quake. Drew was in the basement and did not notice it at all. Another friend, just five houses down from us, also did not detect the quake.
Our friend, Veronica, only lives 1.65 miles from us, as the crow flies, yet she felt the quake shake and heard what sounded like a big truck racing out of control down the street. She said a friend in southern Maine heard what sounded like a freight train associated with the quake.