Sunday, August 21, 2016

Campobello Vacations - Mulholland Point Lighthouse

One of the reasons that we enjoy staying at An Island Chalet, is that it is a short walk to both the Mulholland Point Lighthouse and the Visitor Information Center (aka Adventure Center.)
We love photographing Mulholland Point Lighthouse at sunrise and sunset.
Middle photo: Amie Durden at the lighthouse in 2013.
Each time we have stayed on the island, we have taken at least one daily walk to the Mulholland Point Lighthouse. It is fun to capture the lighthouse with dramatic clouds behind it, at both sunrise and sunset.
Views from Mulholland Point Lighthouse.
Lubec is just across the channel (the middle of which is the border
between the United States and Canada)
There are good views of Lubec (it is gorgeous at sunrise), and seals (both harbor and gray) frollick in the waters nearby.
Top: Low Tide  and  Bottom: High Tide
It is also from Mulholland Point Lighthouse that we have seen some great examples of the tide change. We are continually amazed at the ingenuity of fisherfolk as they engineer wharfs and piers to withstand the effects of water.

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