Friday, January 6, 2017

Snowy Owls have been sighted in Brunswick

Note to self: 'Tis the year that I will see a snowy owl. I have yet to see one, but I feel confident that it might just happen. Now, I must get my rear in gear and cruise the old Naval Air Station in search of them. Here is what one birder, Stan DeOrsey, had to say (on Jan. 2nd):
The Snowy Owl Tom Hayward found yesterday (Sunday) at the Brunswick Landing Executive Airport (ye olde Navel Air Station) was still present this morning. It was best seen from the left side of the terminal building (not the Kestrel Building but the next one with the flight tower). This morning it was on the ground by a paved runway or taxiway just beyond the parking lot. There is a "Gate 3" sign and there were two parked fuel trucks nearby the other side of the parking lot fence. 
Hey, Shannon! Let's go owl hunting with our binoculars and cameras:-) Let's make this one of our New Year's resolutions!

Mind you, we must adhere to good birding ethics and not get too close, or stay too long if we do see an owl. We should stay hidden either in our car or behind it and use a long lens to snap some shots. About 10 minutes maximum is the amount of time we should hang out so as not to disturb the bird.

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