Saturday, February 3, 2018

Maine PLT Immersion and Transition Workshop

Wowee! What a phenomenal two days I just had. I attended a Maine Project Learning Tree Immersion and Transition Gathering, at Camp Kieve. There were so many parts to this weekend, from which I gained a lot of new ideas about workshop and content delivery. To be part of such a dynamic group of people is always so humbling. I was surrounded by seasoned movers and shakers in the world of environmentalism, as well as young, upcoming superstars. There was such an incredible wealth of information delivered by foresters, environmental educators, university students and professors, Maine Audubon, and the Maine Environmental Education Association president, as well as science teachers from all grade levels. We even had a national PLT representative from Washington, DC, as well as Shari Templeton from the Maine Dept. of Education. AWESOME and awe inspiring!
Here are our three fearless leaders - Pat (SFI), Jackie (National PLT), and Pat (Maine PLT)!
And, here is the motto for Camp Kieve.
This is the Camp Kieve Mission Statement, which says alot about this organization and why we enjoy meeting here. 

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