Sunday, July 1, 2018

Just a few garden insects

I haven't done much in the way of macro-photography in a few years, and have decided that I'd like to make time to do it again as it gives me great joy to behold the tiny things in life. I only put the 100mm lens on the camera to snap a few photos (about 120 photos) in about 20 minutes time.
First up was a wasp that I cannot identify. At first, I though it was a Purplish-blue Cricket Hunter wasp. 
The only reason that I say this is due to the white splash of color on its face as well as the white splotches on its antennae and legs. But I read that these wasps are found in the southwest. So, no identity for this beauty! I am awful at insect and bird I.D. as I just don't have time to spend combing through books or the internet for answers...
Next up, is a Celithemis elisa skimmer dragonfly who was resting on a flower stem in the front stump garden. I think this is a female who will remain this color throughout her life. If it was a male, the tan markings would turn red with age.
And, supping the nectar of a variety of flowers in the garden next to the deck was a gorgeous, little Pearl Crescent butterfly.

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