Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Browntail Moth Risk Map Comparison

2019 Browntail Moth Risk Map
Itchy, itchy, itchy...Yowzer, the browntail moth numbers have risen in our area this year as compared to last year. Check out the map above for this year, versus the map below from last year. the "Hot Zone" aka "The Mega Itchy Zone", as I call it, has expanded.
2018 Browntail Moth Risk Map
Here is the 2018 Browntail Moth Risk Map. We were affected by the moths later in the season last year as the moths gradually moved into our area.

Here is a good article about the Browntail Moth invasion of Midcoast Maine.

Here are some remedies that different friends swear by to lessen the reaction to the hairs that get embedded into our skin. Good luck to everyone:-)

1. Take duct tape and put it onto the welted areas. The duct tape will pull the hairs out of your skin.

2. Mix equal parts Benedryl Cream and Cortizone Cream. Then add Witch Hazel to make a consistency similar to Calamine Lotion. Spread this onto your skin to relieve the itching.

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