Saturday, July 11, 2020

Yellow-shafted Flicker Chick Flick!

We absolutely adore Yellow-shafted Flickers, aka Northern Flickers. We were so excited to see that they had nested in the ash tree. We haven't documented woodpecker chicks from just after birth to fledging before. Enjoy!

Oh yes, before I is a neat tidbit of information I found about Northern Flickers. The Red-shafted flickers live on the west coast of North America and the Yellow-shafted flickers live in the eastern portion of North America. In between is a hybrid zone along the Missouri River area where the woodpeckers inter-breed and are different shades of orange. Cool!

Axelson, Gustave. “It’s Official: Red-Shafted and Yellow-Shafted Flickers Have Nearly Identical DNA.” The Cornell Lab: All About Birds, 19 Mar. 2021,

1 comment:

Billy said...

Amazing!!! You two deserve an Emmy :-)