Monday, September 14, 2020

Wood Frog in the back woods

I went on a short walk in the woods behind our house in an area I haven't been able to access for over two years as my knee has been such a mess. As I stepped onto the main trail I saw something brown hop out of my way. It was a gorgeous wood frog. We hear them calling loudly in the springtime, but rarely see them. I love the black masks over their eyes. They are the Zorro of the frog species!

The trail was very nice to walk on and I appreciated the lack of rocks. I have been traversing so many rocky paths of late. Here, I only had to watch out for roots.

I was so happy to soak in the sights and sounds of this part of the forest. It had been brutally cut about 7 years ago and the land is starting to regain its beauty. The ferns are stunning in this open area.

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