Sunday, August 1, 2021

Loon Survey # 12 (I only post those with notable observations)

9:30am - While I was at the south end of the pond, both loons were diving simultaneously and preening at the north end. They were not attending to the nest, nor were they territorial about the nest, nor did they notice me.

I thought the nest might be abandoned as there were 5 boats on the pond (and previously the loons would be calling and displaying if someone was even 100-200 ft distance from the nest.)

I spent about 2 minutes at the nest and observed one egg. There are pieces of egg shell in the nest (green arrows), so I am assuming that the first egg yielded a chick that hatched, but for some reason did not survive. We do have a lot of snapping turtles in the pond, so that could have been the cause of death. The hatching date would have been sometime between July 26-31. Because I was on a trip to Millinocket, I have no way of knowing.

I then motored toward the north end to observe the loons, but no chick was in evidence. 

11:15am - I observed the female on the nest again, and the male was swimming and diving in close proximity to the nest. A fishing boat was about 200 feet from the nest and the pair swam away from the nest, called once, and then went out diving together. I cannot figure out this behavior. I am doubting that the second egg will survive as the female seems very inconsistent about sitting on the nest. Could this be a young pair who don't know how to care for their eggs or hatchlings?  After all, this is the third nest attempt. The first nest was abandoned soon after it was built, the second nest yielded one hatchling that was preyed upon, and now this third nest had two eggs, with one hatching that has died.

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