Saturday, March 26, 2022

Ducks and Geese on Caesar Pond!

Yay for open water on Caesar Pond! The ducks and geese have arrived for the start of the spring season. I dashed down to the pond today to grab a few photos. Of course, my subjects were on the opposite side of the pond from me, so I had to use maximum zoom which gave fuzzy photos, but that's okay. At least I can document the first waterfowl on the pond for this year. 

I was so happy to see several Common Mergansers swimming about. This is a female.

And, here is a male Common Merganser spreading his wings.

I was thrilled to see a male Common Goldeneye on the pond as well. I did not get a photo of a female.

Here is a group of mergansers (two females and one male) along with the male Goldeneye (far left).

And, I would be remiss if I didn't include a photo of a few of the Canada Geese (of which there are about about a dozen on the pond) over near the beaver lodge.

Oh wait, there are also a plethora of Mallards happily quacking and swimming on the pond as well.

And, here are the approximate locations of the ducks and geese. The geese were farthest away near the beaver lodge.

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