Sunday, March 20, 2016

Welcome to Springtime

Looking over the front yard to the pond.
Happy Springtime to one and all! It is currently 30F under a super sunny sky.
I saw a couple of guys fishing from a canoe today.
They were the first boaters of the season.
I'm bummed as that is usually what I do, but my toes are not healed yet.
The snow is gone, for the moment, as we are getting several inches of snow overnight. So, we'll enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. The pond is ice-free as you can see.
 Primary stump garden with daffodil and crocus shoots. No blooms yet.
My stump gardens are beginning to show signs of life after the short winter.
I saw some crocus flowers forming, and ruined by voles down in the soil.
Here are some crocus shoots. I think voles are tunneling all over the place, and are demolishing quite a few of the crocuses.
Daffodil and tulip shoots in the side garden.
And, we have plenty of daffodils planted in all the gardens, so it will be very pretty, very soon (after the next snowfall and snow melt have occurred;-)

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