Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Oh, what joy this day brought. The temperature rose to 81F, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and my heart was singing the praises of Mother Earth! Why such happiness you might ask? Well, the reasons are many.
The pond ice is thinning along the shore, like a receding hairline that is traveling fast along the scalp leaving large, bald patches.
It is riddled with small holes which make it look a bit like Swiss cheese. Soon, there will be open water visible at the north end.
And, I heard the first two spring peepers calling. The bit of open water along the shore will soon be the perfect hiding place for the peepers' eggs as mating season begins!
After visiting the pond, I walked home with the intent of checking out all of my flower gardens to see what was rising from the soil. The stump garden was covered with gravel, dirt, and protective leaves from autumn.
I photographed the first crocuses in bloom.
I was so excited that I grabbed a rake and cleared the debris. Behold the first leaves of tulips and daffodils poking up through the soil! By the way, as I was raking, I was bitten by the first mosquito of springtime...Aughhh!
I returned the rake to the garage and found myself thinking that Drew's wood chopping log, axe, and leftover firewood would soon be put away for the season.
And, my plant stakes would soon be put to use. Hoooorrrraaaayyyy!!!

P. S. Mind you...the outdoor temperature will return to a more normal pattern of the 40's and 50's for the foreseeable future, but the occasional hot day is very welcome, indeed!

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