Saturday, August 12, 2017

A City Girl's Garden

We have been enjoying the fruits of our labor, garden-wise. I bought Sun Gold cherry tomato plants for our front deck garden this year as our deck is like an oven all summer long.
The tomato plants look like mutants on our deck. I laugh every time they remind me of the cartoon, Calvin and Hobbes' mutant snowmen. We didn't have any cage material, so I just put a couple of stakes into the pots.  you can see, these plants really seem to like to sprawl;-) Drew had to prop up the pots with bricks so that the pots don't fall over from the weight of the leaning plants.
Here are our new favorite tomatoes, Sun Gold. Beautiful and delicious. They are yellow tomatoes, and are sweet as can be. I am going to make sure to purchase this variety again next year. Yuuuummmmmeeeee.
Oh yes, we also have zucchini! We eat zucchini every day this time of year. We have two of the most vigorous plants we've ever grown. We think that the difference from other years is that Drew put lots of fertilizer into the soil as the zucchini seem to be heavy feeders.
The payoff from watering daily and pampering the plants is this! Lots of nice, big, beautiful zucchini!

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