Thursday, June 14, 2018

Attempting to play mid-wife to a snappy lady...

This purty turtle had a harrowing morning as she tried to cross the street, from the pond to our yard, at around 6:00am.
I went out to try and keep her safe from car, after car, after racing car.
After reaching the middle of the road, she turned around and headed back toward the pond. I had to get ready for work and went inside. Awhile later, I looked out and saw her attempting to cross the road again. This time, a good samaritan stopped his truck, got out and went behind the turtle, and stomped his feet on the road.
The turtle trudged over to our flower garden and entered our yard. I didn't want to disturb her, and shot the last photo from the front deck. I lost track of her and have no idea if she nested in our yard, the neighbor's yard, or elsewhere.

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