Monday, May 27, 2019

Red-winged Blackbirds on Caesar Pond

'Tis the season of nesting birds, and the Red-winged Blackbirds are reigning supreme over the northern, boggy portion of Caesar Pond. The male's coloring is dark black with shoulder badges of red and creamy yellow on his wings, while the female is brown with creamy, white streaks that allow her to blend into the background of the grasses of the bog while she sits on the eggs of her nest.

Both birds gave alarm calls to let me know that they weren't happy with my "invasion" of their habitat while in the boat quite a distance away. The male perched himself high on shrubbery to display either his displeasure with me, or maybe he was displaying to the female by puffing up his shoulder patches and calling.

The video ends with a beaver swimming in the boggy area away from his lodge. This is his territory as well...

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