Friday, October 25, 2019

Thorncrag Nature Sanctuary...and the calming force of nature

After a long week at school, I needed some forest time. Since Thorncrag is just a mile away from LHS, it is the perfect place for me to walk my stresses off and to feel the calm that only a forest can give me. The minute we stepped onto the Blue Trail, a feeling of peace surrounded me.
Our destination was a small frog pond that always has a bit of water in it. It is really hopping in springtime;-) 
There are lots of huge and stately white pines in this part of the forest, and they were begging me for a hug! Did you know that trees have feelings, too? You might want to read the book titled, "The Hidden Life of Trees, What They Feel, How They Communicate", by Peter Wohlleben.
I found that the pond was as far as my knee would let me walk today. I think that the bit of instability I felt was due to all the acorns on the ground! Every footfall had to be carefully placed so as not to twist my knee as I stepped on these slippery oak nuts, each of which contains one or two seeds that could develop into a mighty oak in the far future;-)
Oh yes, I almost forgot! If you see Cinderella, let her know that we found her glass slipper hanging from a tree branch on the Blue Trail!

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