Thursday, June 23, 2022

Loon chicks have hatched!


I think the chicks hatched out either Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning. Which is about 27 or 28 days from being laid. Mama loon was still sitting on the nest Tuesday afternoon. I heard quite a commotion in the evening and on Wednesday. When I went over for a quick peek this afternoon, I saw a chick on Papa's back. Yahoooo!

The chick sat up and looked around...

Stretched its neck... 
Then, it dropped its head down and fell asleep. Do you see where the other chick might be? They have big feet compared to their tiny two day old bodies! I spy extra feet sticking out from the side of Papa.

There it is! This is a screen grab from video so you can see both chicks!  Now, cross your fingers and toes that these chicks survive. (Sorry for the blurriness of the photos. As always, the loons were at maximum reach for the camera from shore.) For more information on loons, check out the Loon Preservation Committee website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool!