Sunday, May 21, 2023

Rain Barrels in a new location

Since we had a metal roof put on the house, we haven't had gutters. In the past, the rain barrels would be filled from just a quarter inch of rainfall collected from the roof and running through the gutters. I had thought that we couldn't use rain barrels anymore and we stored them away. Then, a few days ago, I decided that those rain barrels would be of use as I saw a drip line in the soil, below the roof line, from the last 6.5" monsoon that we had several weeks ago. So, I put the barrels out smack dab in the middle of the drip line. And, sure enough, we captured enough water from last night's 2.5" gusher of rain to fill each rain barrel with about 49 gallons of water! Yahoooey!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good thinking 🤔!