Saturday, May 2, 2015

Just a bit of gardening on a warm, spring day...

Today was a most gorgeous day. The sun was shining, a light breeze was blowing, and the temperature reached 63F. I donned a pair of shorts for the first time this year!

Today was also a day to garden. I had 25 miniature gladiolus bulbs to plant, and I decided that if I wanted to be able to find them to pull up at the end of the season, that I had better put them in pots. Yup, you read it right, pots!

Off to The Home Depot we went to buy some pots, petunias, dianthus, and planting mix.

I put the pots on various stumps around the yard and planted the bulbs along with a few petunias in each pot as well. The glads will get to 20" tall, but won't bloom until mid to late summer. I figured it would look strange to have pots with gladiolus stalks and nothing else. We'll see how it goes this year.

I put five of the same colored glads in each pot. One in each corner, and one in the middle. I hope it doesn't look too funky as I am not the most artistic individual on the planet when it comes to gardening.