Sunday, April 7, 2019

Birds at the feeders

I realized that I haven't photographed birds in quite awhile. With the day so warm, at around 58F, I took the opportunity to lean against the house to photograph a few birds who were brave enough to fly in.
My first bird was a Downy Woodpecker. They have shorter bills than the almost identical Hairy Woodpeckers. And, I looked for the black spots, on the white outer tail feathers, that are indicative of Downy Woodpeckers.

Fox Sparrow
On the ground were a few cute sparrows. This one was a Fox Sparrow.
Fox Sparrow
It spent most of its time right under the bird feeder where there were plentiful sunflower seeds.
Eastern Song Sparrow
Then, I saw a very similarly colored bird, but the markings on its head were different. This is an Eastern Song Sparrow. Not the greatest photo, but a cute bird nonetheless.

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