Thursday, April 18, 2019

Florida bird watching from Mom's easy chair

Carolina Wren (the only bird of the bunch that I do not see in Maine!)
I visited with my mother over April vacation. We had a great time, and more importantly a fabulous bird-watching day from the comfort of her TV room. Admittedly, the photos aren't great as they were taken through a screen door, but at least they give us a record of our sightings for this day.;-)
Incoming!! An Indigo Bunting flew in as a male cardinal occupied the bird bath.
We were playing a tense game of Gin Rummy when Mom shouted, "Look at the bluebird!" Well, look we did. It was an indigo bunting hobnobbing with a cardinal!
Such a pretty sight! At times, there were two cardinals together with the indigo bunting
at the bird bath!
After the birds flew off, I got my little point and shoot camera and waited until they returned. 
Indigo Bunting and Parula Warbler share the bird bath
Then, I snuck up to the screen door and did the best I could to photograph the birds that visited the bird bath in a 30 minute period. At first we thought that the parula warbler was a bluebird, but upon looking a the photos, we saw its white wing bars which told us that we were mistaken.
Indigo Bunting and Tufted Titmouse
Yowzer, what a great day! As you can see, the Indigo Bunting was the star of the show as it was so accommodating to other birds.
One of my all time favorite birds is the catbird.
Goldfinch and Tufted Titmouse
Of course, in Maine, we also have an abundance of goldfinches, cardinals, catbirds, and tufted titmice just like in Florida! But, I have only seen one parula warbler in the 19 years we have lived in Maine, and we usually see one indigo bunting, fleetingly, per year! Carolina wrens are more southern birds, although they have been rarely seen in Maine.

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