Sunday, September 19, 2021

Gray Treefrog

My buddy, Shannon, found this Gray Treefrog (Hyla versicolor) on the lid of a garbage can. It was the perfect spot to hang out on a cool late summer morning since the sun was shining intermittently on it through the trees. So, of course Drew and I had to hightail it over to her house for a short photo session. I had to add a ring light to the camera lens to illuminate the frog as it was still too shady in this location.

Did you know that Gray Treefrogs are actually bright green during breeding season and then slowly turn more greenish-gray as the summer wears on? They can change their color for camouflage when they need to. Sometimes they are even a grayish-black color in darker locations.

They often have a light colored patch under their eye which you can see here as a light green color. And, check out that bumpy skin! Some gray treefrogs have smooth skin!

They are generally no longer than 2.5" and feed on insects, along with the occasional frog meal since they are cannibalistic as well.

And, for fun, I did a close-up on the frog's eye. Pretty cool, huh! 

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