Monday, September 6, 2021

Loons Vocalizing and Feeding

I spent 3 hours out on Caesar Pond thoroughly enjoying this cool, calm morning.  At first, the loons were swimming on the opposite side of the pond from me and started vocalizing. Luckily, I had my Nikon P-1000 camera and was able to zoom in for some nice video. A bit later, I was closer to them as they started feeding and the large male caught and ate a fish! Because it was somewhat cloudy, conditions were not too harsh for photography. Enjoy!
P.S. I was far enough away that the camera had to do a lot of autofocusing, thus the annoying clicking sound. My apologies. If I had put it into manual focus, I would have had to constantly change the focus and the camera shake would have been more disastrous than it already was. The breeze kept moving the boat as I tried to capture video, and I was hand holding the camera. One cannot have it all! 

1 comment:

Patricia Lammers said...

Loved listening and watching this video. ❤️ That was a BIG fish to swallow whole!