Saturday, June 6, 2020

Gardening comic and the state of our vegetable gardens

This is a cute comic for the beginning gardener! (Click on it to enlarge it.)
Here is an overview of the plants in the veggie gardens as of today. This is 9 days after the first photo. Note that we switched two of the tomato cages around. Since the Celebrity tomato plant (on the left) is determinate, we figured that it didn't need the taller wire cage, so we gave it a wooden one instead.
We only have three zucchini plants and they will provide us with plenty! They have their first set of leaves on.
Check out our cucumbers. Nine days ago, they were just barely poking up through the soil!
The leafy greens are growing much slower. But, you can see a few sprouts in the holes of the bottom row. Those are Italian Parsley which seem to take forever to sprout. The spinach plants are doing quite well. I may need to replant a few of the lettuces.
Here is the cherry tomato plant. It looks so happy in its pot! It too, has grown quite a bit in 9 days. It was so tiny back then;-)
Early Girl Tomato plants are also looking good and strong. Nine days ago, they were rather wilted because there were two in the container and I separated them.
The Celebrity Tomato plant started out with a thicker stem, and was taller, and it still is nine days later.

1 comment:

Jud said...

These are awesome! It doesn't look like you planted 23 zucchini plants.